Today Kylie, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, and I went to the Underwood Family Farm in Moorpark to pick our own strawberries! I had never picked berries before, and it was sooo much fun! I really think I would do it for a job to make some extra bucks...although, all the people pick berries for a living wear hooded sweatshirts with the hoods up...that is NOT a good look for me. I better go back to! The farm was awesome, they had animals, tractors, fruits, vegetables, trains, and even a bouncy house! Kylie was VERY well behaved! She sat in the stroller while we picked the berries, except when I kept ripping her out to take a thousand pictures! She also get her first bite of strawberry! She loved it and freaked out when I took it away! Here are pics from the day!
At the farm

Mommy picking berries!

Mommy and Kylie in the fields!

Grandpa picking berries!
Grandma picking berries!
Kylie and Daddy!

Kylie discovers her first berry! Obviously, it went right to her mouth!

Check out the next three shots...Kylie picking her first berry!

"What is this thing?"

"I don't know, but I like it!"

It looks like she is smiling for the picture, but she is actually smiling and laughing at a couple boys a few rows away. (She is SUCH a flirt!)

"MOM! These yummy things are everywhere!"

How can you NOT love this picture, those chubby little fingers are so cute!

So Grandpa had a good idea for a photo opp of Kylie with the berries we picked. We set it up, set Kylie down, then gave her a little basket of strawberries to pose with. Everything was going fine until she realized she could EAT the berry! It went straight in her mouth and she actually broke into the strawberry! It was so cute that I ignored the fact that she isn't allowed to eat strawberries until she is one! She loved it!

This is after I took it away, see how she is reaching in for another?!

So I tried to use my mom's distraction technique to calm her down after taking the berry away. Do you think she realizes she is eating puffs out of the basket, no strawberries? :)

I was so excited when I found this "double berry"! I went running down the field to show it to Jim and his Dad and they both couldn't care less! They said they see those all the time in the
Wisonsin berry fields! I was still proud, so I took a pic! Then Jim threw it back in the field. :(

The fruit of our labor (ha ha ha)

Grandma, Grandpa, and Kylie

Jim looks like a pro at this!

No caption needed! :)

Engineer O'Connor:

Our little family!

As Mikey would say "Why does Dad like to embarrass us?"

Little cutie!
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