Tyler and Kylie looking at Nana's chickens

Nana has a tin full of buttons that Tyler loves to look at...he started yelling "Buttons, Buttons" and grabbed the tin to pull it down. Only problem, it busted open and hundred of teeny tiny very "chokable" buttons went everywhere! You would have thought it was like a pinata busting open and candy going everywhere the way that Kylie was going after them! Luckily we pulled her away in time! Tyler spent forever going through the buttons naming each color and pointing out the "pretty" ones!
Check out the video!
Cuddling with Mommy 

We needed the crib for Kylie to sleep in at Nana's, and more importantly, Tyler has been sleeping in his big boy bed at his house for over a month, so we decided we would try to use Nick's bed as Tyler's big boy bed at Nana's house. He was a little unsure about it at first, so Nana had to tell him that the half naked lady posters on the ceiling (it IS Nick's room) were Mommy's that were going to watch over him all night! Then we took turns checking on him every 3 minutes. Each time we would go up there he would lift his head up and look at us so we would say "Night Night Tyler" and he responded with "Night Night"! Only problem was that we were checking on him so much he couldn't fall asleep! :) He finally passed out after a while and looked so cute in that big bed! When I went up to go to sleep he was dangerously close to the edge of the bed! Nana had put pillows on the ground just in case he rolled off, but I was too nervous for that! I grabbed Danny and we moved a bookshelf along side the bed as an extra barrier! He slept all night just fine until 6:30 am when he decided it was time to get up for the day! (Poor Nana!)
Oscar doing the "Running Man"!

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