Today Kylie and I were just sitting around the house trying to think of what we were going to do (mind you it was 2:30 at this point) and I thought, why not Disneyland?! Since we have annual passes which includes parking, it is a free trip, so why not?! By the time we got our act together and got on the road we didn't get there until 4:00! We ended up staying to watch the parade and didn't leave until 8:30. Kylie was much different this time - she was so aware and was taking everything in! She loved the parade, and actually watched it this time! She would stare at the floats even after they turned the corner! I had to physically turn her around to see the next float coming down the road! Her favorite was Ursula from the Little Mermaid, she wouldn't take her eyes off of her! The cutest part was that the characters all wave to the crowd when they walk by and I looked down and Kylie was waving back! Too adorable! She is such a little cutie pie and I have sooo much fun hanging out with her! I always tell her when we go places "You and Mommy are best friends, huh?"...then I realize that one day I am going to be the dorky annoying mom, not the best friend!! I am going to soak it up now while I can! :)
Auntie Em gave Kylie her new sparkly ears from her trip to Disney World...we were so excited to finally wear them at Disneyland! Thanks, Em!
Too cute!
You know it's getting late when the color guards are taking down the flag right when you get to Disneyland! Kylie and I watched as they took the flag down...the crowd was quiet watching the ceremony when Kylie started laughing hysterically! Everyone turned over and looked at us! Leave it to an O'Connor to laugh at an inappropriate time! :)
Sparkly Ears!
Kylie in front of the Magic Castle!
Kylie had her first ride on a Merry-go-Round! I was going to sit on a bench with her, but figure I would give it a try on a horse! As the ride started I began to think it may have been a mistake! I could just see the headlines "Infant suffers concussion after being forced on a Merry-go-Round horse by Mother". I was so nervous that she was going to fall off, then I was nervous she was going to hate it and start crying and I wouldn't be able to take her off mid-ride! This led to my holding her extra tight and saying "weeee weeeee" with a huge fake smile on my face the entire time! We made it through the ride in one piece and with no tears! A couple girls in front of us were nice enough to take some pics!

Why didn't anyone tell me that Disneyland sold big pickles?! All of these trips I never knew! It is going to have to be my new tradition! (And Kylie's too...she LOVED it!)
This is just a mad face since I took the pickle away, not because it was sour!
Waiting to go see the Tiki Room!
Kylie's first carrot stick! It didn't last long, she threw it on the ground two seconds later!
While we were waiting for the parade to start the girls next to us got balloons and Kylie couldn't take her eyes off of them. I was going to get Kylie one, but for $7 each - even I am not THAT crazy!
Can you tell I forgot Kylie's blanket? :)
1 comment:
I like the sparkle ears!
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