Tonight we all babysat Tyler while Sarah and Jeff got a night was quite an exciting night complete with cookies, walks, Wiggles, and sleeping in a big boy bed! Here are the pics to prove it!
In case Sarah wonders why Tyler loves going to Nana's house so much - Nana gives cookies! (I got proof of the bribery)...hee hee!
Tyler loves to ride in "Kylie's Stroller"! He couldn't care less that it is pink and loaded with baby toys! We went a quarter of our walk with him riding in it! I think it's time for Sarah to invest in the Maclaren! :)
Since Emily was on a "Dog High" from just purchasing her puppy she decided to spring Oscar loose from the jail we call our house! He never gets to go for walks since he is deaf, dumb, and half-blind and all he seems to do is fake-choke and stop to pee on EVERYTHING! This was my best attempt at getting a pic of Tyler without him getting mad!
Walks with Tyler take up at least an hour! He walks from house to house pointing out and naming the color of every flower we pass! It is so adorable! He is very exact and if a flower is multi-colored he names every single color! He is so smart!
Tyler didn't want to go home after our walk so Nana used her master technique of distraction by getting him to help water the plants in effort to get him towards the front door! Of course, what would a post be without a pic of Kylie!
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