I know most of you are family that read this blog so you know the dramatic car seat saga, but for those 2 or 3 who don't know, it was drama! I can't make my mind up about anything, so when Jim and I decided to get the car seat I researched online for 3 days until I decided I wanted the Marathon model. Then, I had to decide on the fabric! I had a coupon for Babies R Us, so I went there and bought this one for $10 off! Of course I walked around the store 48 times trying to decide if this was the one I really wanted. I finally decided to buy it, but was going to keep in in the box until I decided I wanted to keep it.
Well, these damn seats come in the most ridiculous boxes that I don't think I could have even fit in an SUV! I always wondered why when I went to Babies R Us and Target I see empty car seat boxes in the parking lot, now I know - the damn car seat doesn't fit in the car in that enormous box! Okay, so now I am stuck trying to find a way to get this huge seat in my little car since I can't open the box, I am not even sure if I am going to keep it! So here I am, shoving it every which way into the trunk, folding the seat down, putting it up, trying the back seat, etc. Meanwhile, like 20 men walked by with their wives/kids/girlfriends and NOT ONE offered to help me! Finally, I shoved it into the front seat, and have to drive home with it practically on my lap!
So, now I have the car seat at home in my garage and don't have the nerve to open it! I spent the entire night on the Internet looking at every picture of the Marathon in every print 57 times and still couldn't make up my mind. I asked a couple girlfriends of mine that had already gotten their car seats what they got, and of course they got black and gray! That is no help for Miss Pinky here! Luckily Sue remembered that Target sells a pink one, so when we went to dinner the next night we checked it out, it didn't help much! Now I felt like I liked both of them!! I ended up going home and sending out an e-mail survey to my friends and sisters with all the fabric options. Of course, everyone had a different opinion, but they all said this one was the best for me and Ky!
SO, long story short (okay, not really short, sorry!) I ran downstairs and popped open the box and started installing! There is no going back now! I don't know how I make it through life! I need a personal decision maker...anyone up for the position? :)
Anyway, here is KyKy in her brand new big girl car seat!! And don't you dare make a comment on the fabric, I will go insane! Ha ha!
Hmm, yes, I like what they've done here...
Thanks Mommy and Daddy! I love it!
Mommy, is it supposed to wiggle around like this? (Just kidding)

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