After brunch we got the awesome chance to check out Emily's work - the NICU! I was so nervous about going and almost skipped out on it, but at the last minute decided to go. I made Emily promise that none of the babies in the NICU were in pain, or were close to passing (even though it probably wasn't the truth). I am SO glad I went in! It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! There were so many babies and they were SOOOO tiny! One baby I saw was being rocked by her mom, and she had to be no bigger than 10 inches long. I didn't think she was even real! I got to see THREE sets of triplets! One of them was being fed with a little mini bottle, it was so cute! Their little hands and feet were so tiny and amazingly cute! There were so many nurses in there working so hard to keep all the babies happy and healthy! It all made me feel so much better about the poor little babies who have to be in the NICU...I knew that the babies that Emily took care of were in really good hands, but I was worried about all the others who didn't have Em as their nurse! I felt so much better walking out of there, not to mention blown away! I knew the babies were small, but I had no idea they were THAT small! On another note, when I walked out of there all I wanted was to hug and kiss little (or big I should say) KyKy! I feel like it was YEARS ago that she was a small helpless little baby - she is growing up so fast!After the NICU we headed to a Shih-Tzu breeder's house to "look" at a puppy for Emily. She had decided that after she graduated she was going to buy herself a shih-tzu. She really wanted a girl puppy - she had the name picked out already, Lily! As my mom kept saying, you never just "look" at puppies - you ALWAYS end up buying a puppy! Emily was convinced she was just going to look...until we got there! The puppies were sooo cute! They had two females who we named "Whitey" and "Blacky" in order to tell them apart. After careful consideration as well as cuddle tests, Emily decided that Blacky was "the one". She honestly wasn't going to buy the puppy, in fact she had already told the owners that she was going to think about it and come back tomorrow if she decided to get it...that is until the owners said that a woman was coming over in an hour to buy one of the females for her mother. After hearing that, Emily quickly wrote out a check and bought little Lily!*Note to future puppy sellers - simply tell the person "looking" for a puppy that someone will be coming over in an hour to possibly buy the EXACT puppy they just fell in love with, and you will get a sale, on the spot, every time! Here are pics of the puppy shopping:Blacky (Lily) is on the left, Whitey on the right
Em and the puppies
Lily is on the right

Little Lily...check out that adorable little face!!
Could you just die?!
She is officially Lily Golden!
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