Today was Tyler's second birthday party (and his real birthday!). We had a great time at his "Wiggly Party" and so did the kids! Sarah did such a great job planning the whole party - it was so much fun! She didn't miss a beat! I think I need to hire her for Kylie's first birthday! She had all sorts of food, coloring sheets and markers for the kids, music (although we forgot to turn it on until after the kids left), sand toys for the playground, hats, blowers, and the BEST goody bags ever! Tyler was so cute the whole day, especially in his personalized Wiggle shirt! Here are a TON of pics from the day!Here is the music note banner I made for the party:

The set-up:

Kylie wearing her Wiggly Party Hat!
Grampa and Nana playing with Kylie
Pinata Time!
Tyler's turn to pull the pinata string!
CANDY!!!!!! As you can took Tyler by surprise, he didn't know what to do about all the falling candy!
It didn't take long for him to figure it out!
How cute is this pic? Tyler's chubby little fist holding his goodies! (Great pic idea, Em!)
Kylie LOVES big boys! She just cracks up and stares!
This is the best pic I could get of Tyler in his birthday was his birthday, he didn't have to pose for a pic if he didn't want to! :)
Auntie Em and Tyler
The Wiggle Birthday Cake that my mom made! She should be a professional cake maker! She better get working on Kylie's!
Time to sing Happy Birthday!
Blowing out the candles! (Notice how Danny is covering RJ's mouth so he doesn't blow them out instead of Tyler! I was cracking up when I saw this?!)
Grampa is such a nerd!
Mommy and Kylie
It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to!
Jayson and Janice!
"Mater, Mater!" Braden wanted Tyler's present!
Tyler and Cole hugging goodbye, isn't that adorable?!
Kylie had too much fun!
Sisters (and -in-law)!
Me and Ty
The Borg Family!
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