Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our Visit with KK and Mandi!

After Tyler's party Kylie and I drove over to visit with KK and Mandi...she lives only 10 minutes away from Sarah! Believe it or not, it was Mandi's first time seeing baby Kylie! (No one's fault but my own! She has been asking to meet Kylie forever...we just now got it going!) Kennedi is just so cute, she is like a little mini princess! She is walking like crazy and LOVES to carry around purses and wear necklaces! Do I even need to mention to fact that she has the cutest hair (and hairstyle) I have ever seen? Kylie and I got Kennedi a purse, necklace, and bracelet as a belated first birthday present. Look at the ADORABLE little lady:

Here are Kylie and KK posing for some pics!

How cute is this?! Here is KK giving Kylie kisses!

Thanks, Man for having us over! We can't wait to visit again!

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