On the way there we agreed that Jim could wait in the car to listen to the draft until he heard who the Packers chose, then he would meet me in the Expo. Well, as luck would have it, the draft was on AM Radio, and just 30 seconds before the Pack was about to announce their choice, we pulled into the parking structure at the Convention Center - and the radio cut out!!! I have never seen Jim go so crazy! He immediately whipped the car into reverse (even though there was a car behind us) and started to try to back up out of the garage to get the signal! The car behind us wasn't moving so I decided to get out and motion for them to move out of our way...I opened the door and just as I put one leg on the ground Jim started to floor it backwards, and I jumped out of the way just as he almost ran me over!!! I was yelling at him, he was yelling at the car behind us, and Kylie was probably freaking out in the back seat!! Long story short, the car moved out of our way just in time, I jumped back in the car (still yelling at Jim) just as the Packers announced their pick. You would think it could only go up from there right? WRONG! Supposedly the Packers did not pick someone that Jim deemed appropriate and the next 15 minutes we had to deal with "WHAT the hell" and "Are they crazy" blasting out of Jim's mouth!
We finally made it into the Expo where (luckily) there was a small laptop computer at one of the exhibits and Jim plopped right down and was on ESPN.com within a half-of-a-second! This was fine with me - I got a free manicure and massage while Jim took turns giving Kylie puffs to eat and clicking around on Packers.com! I guess I should have known from the get-go it would be a bad day to include Jim in a girl-event! And I don't think it made matters any better when I made Jim carry Kylie around in the following shirt:

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