Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Fun with Gymbo!

Today Kylie had another semi-fun day at Gymboree! She is really starting to get BAD stranger and seperation anxiety! She doesn't like to be on the floor unless she can clearly see that I am there next to her, and most of the time she cries until I pick her up! BUT when I do hold her, she sure does have fun! Her newest thing is being afraid of loud noises! This, coming from the daughter of Rachel and Jim! That doesn't quite make sense! We dance to a song at Gymboree where all of a sudden the music stops and the Mommys and babies freeze, then out of nowhere it starts up again, very loud. Kylie starts crying immediately as soon as the song starts up! She has become such a little scardey-cat! I hope this stage passes soon, it is getting a bit frustrating! Here are pics from our day:

Here are Kylie and her friend Ava waiting for class to start!

Check out Kylie's new ballet slippers! Too cute!
After class we had to run to Kaiser to go to the pharmacy, and while we were waiting I decided to take Kylie up to where she was born! I swore I would never go back there again, but decided to be brave and go for it! Here is my wonderful baby girl sitting in the hallway that I have the worst memories of! Jim and I walked this hallway over 100 times while in labor trying to get little Kylie out! I have to say, all that pain and suffering was worth it when I see my little baby girl!! Kylie didn't seem to care too much when I told her all I went through for her! I WILL hold it against her when she is older, don't you worry! Here is Kylie at home this evening playing with her toys...
And here, it is clearly time for bed! :)

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