Saturday, April 28, 2007

More Swimming!

Pictures from another day at swim class! Kylie went under water again, and handled it like a champ! Actually, she went under twice, the second time on'll see that at the bottom!

Rebecca, Nathaniel, Kylie and Mommy!

Here we are listening to the crazy instructor...she is STRICT! (See the crazy looks on our faces?) There is no talking allowed during class - not even to your babies! She is determined to qualify the babies for the Olympics!

Mommy and her sweetheart!

Bouncing up and down!

How cute does little Ky-Ky look here?!

Tummy Time, Tummy Time (Sing to the tune of Karen the Gymboree teacher! :))

Water babies!

Of course, Kylie is trying to lick the pool water!

This is so funny, I don't even remember this happening! (Which is probably why it did happen!) Look at these pictures in order: (Think "Lame Mexico Spring Break T-Shirt" - 1 tequila, 2 tequila...)

"1 Picture"

"2 Picture"

"3 Picture"



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