Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Little Pufferbelly!

Kylie LOVES to eat puffs! I put them out at every meal and of course they work wonders on quieting a fussy Kylie-bug! I made the mistake of pouring some on her I Spy/Nana Blanket today. Not only did they end up everywhere, once they get wet they stick to everything! Mommy learned her lesson, Kylie has to follow the same rules we give her brothers, NO EATING IN THE FAMILY ROOM! There are shriveled up sticky Puffs everywhere!

"Pleeeeeaaaase, Mommy, can I have some Puffs?"

How do you turn down this little face?

"Wow, it worked, I got Puffs! I gotta remember this when I am older and want a car!"

Sticking to Kylies hand...

"They are almost too fun to eat..."

"I said, almost!"

Shoving them in!

"What the heck am I going to do about this one? I can't get it off my finger!"

"Now I've got this one stuck over here?! It's going to be a long day!"

"Let me just get up and RUB them into my nice blanket!"

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