Tuesday, May 22, 2007


In the middle of the night last night I heard Kylie wake up and start talking and playing in her crib at around 2 a.m. I ignored it figuring she would go back to sleep. She did get very quiet so I figured she went to sleep, but then all of a sudden she started screaming and crying! She hasn't woken up crying in the middle of the night in a long time so I was surprised. I just let her keep crying assuming she would finally fall back asleep, but after 20 minutes of hysterical crying and my trying to keep Jim from going in there, Jim busted through my pleas, and opened the nursery door. He immediately said "Oh my god, Babe, get in here"!!

I ran in there and I couldn't believe my eyes - Kylie was standing up in her crib!!! She has been working on trying to stand up during the day, but I hadn't seen her actually do it yet! Sure enough she was busy in her crib trying to make it happen! Of course I hadn't lowered the crib yet (even though my Mom told me to many times) so I was very worried that if I let her sleep the rest of the night in there she would try it again and topple right out! I nursed her back to sleep and put her in the crib to see what would happen and she immediately woke up and pulled herself up to standing again!! I freaked out! I made the executive decision to move her in bed with us for the night until I could lower her crib in the morning. That was one of the worst decisions I have ever made! She thought it was party time! She was crawling allover the place, talking, laughing, clapping, waving, pulling out chunks of my hair, and doing everything but sleeping! Jim and I tried falling asleep despite the madness and then awoke as to a smacking noise, Kylie was slapping Jim in the head! Finally I had to nurse Kylie almost the entire night to keep her down! That will never happen again! I put Kylie back in the crib in the morning to see if I could capture the feat on film, and sure enough! Here she is:

She thinks she is so cool!


All this standing makes for a very tired little girl!

1 comment:

Emily Golden said...

She just wanted to move the mobile over her bed again.