Friday, March 30, 2007

Kylie's first Passover!

Kylie celebrated her first Passover!! She didn't seem to care too much about it, she just played in her highchair the whole time! Not that Passover took too long, my Dad got through it in about 20 minutes! A record! Who knew that "baruch atah adonai blah blah blah" was a prayer?!

The Seder Plate!
Tyler entertaining Kylie!
Tyler eating his matzoh with jelly!
Kylie and her horseradish!
Nick and Brooke
Dad and Danny
Jeff and Sarah
Mommy and Kylie
Aunite Em and Kylie
Look at the Cutie Cousins!

How funny is this? Tyler put little car cones on his fingers and
danced around for Kylie...she was totally smiling at him!

Happy Birthday Nana, Grampa, & Uncle Nick!

Tonight we celebrated Nana (March 28th), Grampa (April 9th), and Uncle Nick's (April 11th) birthdays! First we sang Happy Birthday and blew the candles out in the dark, which Tyler did NOT like! For the rest of the night he kept saying "no light, no light" - he didn't want us to turn the lights off again! Next came the presents where Tyler had a very big responsibility - he had to hand the presents out! He took his job very seriously, especially ripping open the presents! He was so funny! Everytime someone would say "Wow! Nice!" about a present that was opened, Tyler would join in and say "Woooooowwwwww, Niiiiiiicccceee!". He was so cute! Here are some pics!

Blowing out the candles

The birthday boys and girl!

Tyler handing out the presents

Helping Uncle Nick!

Helping Grampa!

Helping Nana!

My mom getting her scrapbook!

Looking at the scrapbook...yep, there were tears!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Trip to Nana and Grampas!

Today we drove down to San Diego to visit Nana, Grampa, and Uncle Nick for their birthdays! Of course we were also visiting Auntie Sah-Sah, Auntie Em, Cousin Tyler, Uncle Danny, and Uncle Jeff too! I was so exhausted driving down after going to sleep at 3 am for four nights straight trying to finish my mom's scrapbook birthday gift! I planned to go straight down for a nap as soon as I got there, but of course that didn't happen! We had to go shopping as soon as we got there!

Here is Kylie in a shopping cart for the first time ever!

Once we got to Nana's, Auntie Em gave Kylie a present from her recent trip to Disneyworld...Sparkly Minnie Ears!!!

Here is Uncle Nick with Kylie:

We were all very busy working on my Mom's scrapbook, and Kylie was so good! She just sat on the couch playing by herself, happy as can be! Here she is checking out what Uncle Danny is doing:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pics and More Pics!

I guess it's time to baby-proof! This morning I was working on the scrapbook and Kylie was fussing and fussing so I look down, and this is what I find:

Kylie got herself stuck under my drawers, and even managed to open the bottom one! Here she is reaching in and grabbing a plastic bag, can you say choking hazard?!
Hmm, let me shove these in my mouth before Mommy comes over here!

We attempted the Mesh Fruit Feeder one more time today. Kylie seemed a little more interested this time:

Here is Kylie treating her "shakey, shakey" like a bottle!

Kylie loves to play with Daddy...he is such a silly guy!

Lastly, I went in to check Kylie tonight before I went to sleep, like usual, and I couldn't believe how she was sleeping - I ran down and got my camera! I even risked her waking up by taking the pictures, it was too funny to pass up!

If you are a Golden, you know what we call this position! :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pics from our Day!

Today was one of those days that I was camera happy! Here are a bunch of pictures from our day at home!

I have been working on a scrapbook for my Mom' birthday, so I set up a craft table in the family room so Kylie wouldn't get her hands or mouth on any little was only a matter of time before she got her hands and mouth on the table instead!

Caught in the act!

Here are some pics of Kylie waking up from her nap!

Look at her little "paw prints"!

Getting dressed for the day, it's getting a little harder to keep Kylie still!

Kylie loves to pull down her butterfly, of course, into her mouth!

Today I gave Kylie a piece of apple in her new Mesh Feeder...she wasn't too sure about it:

Forget the apple, I am going for the plastic!