Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pics and More Pics!

I guess it's time to baby-proof! This morning I was working on the scrapbook and Kylie was fussing and fussing so I look down, and this is what I find:

Kylie got herself stuck under my drawers, and even managed to open the bottom one! Here she is reaching in and grabbing a plastic bag, can you say choking hazard?!
Hmm, let me shove these in my mouth before Mommy comes over here!

We attempted the Mesh Fruit Feeder one more time today. Kylie seemed a little more interested this time:

Here is Kylie treating her "shakey, shakey" like a bottle!

Kylie loves to play with Daddy...he is such a silly guy!

Lastly, I went in to check Kylie tonight before I went to sleep, like usual, and I couldn't believe how she was sleeping - I ran down and got my camera! I even risked her waking up by taking the pictures, it was too funny to pass up!

If you are a Golden, you know what we call this position! :)

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