Kylie LOVES her many "offices" (stationary entertainers) as Daddy calls them. She has one upstairs that she plays in while Mommy takes a shower, one from cousin Tyler that she plays with in the family room, and her favorite, the Baby Einstein Office in the kitchen where she keeps herself busy while Mommy cooks dinner (Like that really happens), does the dishes, cleans the kitchen...okay, so obviously she doesn't use the kitchen office that much :). Here she is today keeping busy while Mommy does the dirty work...scrubbing and soaking her MANY stained clothes:
The Desk of Kylie E. O'Connor, H.B.I.C
(Head Baby In Charge)

Daddy makes a much better "MOOOO" than this stupid button!
Busy studying her geography...
See, I am not lying...I was very busy - look at ALL of these stained clothes! (All because Daddy doesn't put the diaper on right! Ha ha!) I used to soak in a bucket, but am now up to a 20 gallon storage bin!!! I felt like Charlie's Mom from Willie Wonka! (Insert song, "Cheer up, Charlie")
Lastly, here are some pics of Kylie doing her tricks, up on all fours, and sitting like a big girl! (What happened to our little tiny baby?!)

All this work has exhausted me!
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