Sunday, March 25, 2007

Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea?

This morning Jimmy was watching "Spongebob Squarepants" while Kylie was on the floor playing. I happened to look up and say Kylie's eyes GLUED to the TV! We couldn't get her to look away! I even had time to run down to the car and get my camera! Don't tell Auntie Sue, she hates Spongebob, she says it makes her want to bash in the TV screen!!

Don't call Child Protective Services (yet!) Kylie only sat and watched until the commercial break, at which point she proceeded to pee on the carpet while I was changing her diaper! :)

Okay, now you can call C.P.S - here is a pic of Kylie in the trunk of Daddy's car about to get her diaper changed! Hey, if I can't have an SUV to change diapers in, I will make the Infiniti work! (Hey, it was either this, or the disgusting, germ-filled Wal-Mart bathroom changing tables!)

Lastly, here is a pic of big brother Jimmy pushing Kylie around the store,
luckily she survived the ride with all four limbs!

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