Today Kylie and I took Michael to Disneyland for only the third time in his life!! He was so excited, but I think I was more excited for him! In the morning when I came downstairs to get him I was in my PJ's and said, "you don't still feel like going do you?". He was so shocked and popped up and said "YES!!! I am already all dressed!!!". It was so adorable!
Mike was such a good sport too! There were rides he couldn't go on because we had Kylie, and he was so good about it! He even went on a few all by himself! Even waited in line by himself! I was so proud! It was pretty busy since it was a Monday, but we were there a total of 10 hours and managed to get in every ride Mike wanted, some even twice! Mike didn't even
complain when we took over an hour lunch break so Ky could crawl/WALK!!! (she is taking a few steps now!) around! He was very patient and didn't freak out about missing ride time! He was such a good guy about all of my obnoxious picture taking too! In fact I am convinced that was his favorite part as you can tell by his ridiculous and hilarious poses and faces in all of my pictures! We had such a good time and I am so glad we were able to work it out for him to go! Kylie of course LOVED having big brother Mikey with her all day too! :)
Kylie was NOT so into taking this pic!!

Big brother Mikey always pushes around the princess!

Well, at least he kept himself busy in line for the rides!

Kylie trying out this new walking thing!

It shouldn't be this hard to snap ONE pic of Kylie with a hat on!!!

I think Mike's favorite part of the day was when I told him that at Disneyland, just McDonald's fries and a coke count as lunch!

Who knows??!!!

Ky loved watching the Splash Mountain boats glide beneath her!

Notice "kitty" on the ground! By the end of the day that thing was trashed! But she still slept with it that night! :)

I told her to keep her pants clean, I guess she listened!

Walking again! Check out Mike's face in the background - we were so excited!

I love this shot! Of course done manually!

Check out the next two pics...does Michael take after his Dad or what?!

Nap time!

This was the funniest picture...the boys are NOT allowed to hold Kylie, but I really wanted Kylie in the pic with Mike, Mickey and Minnie so I had to bend the rules! I was so nervous so I told Michale to hold Kylie and squeeze her tighter than he has ever squeezed anything in his life!! :) I told him if he felt like he was going to drop her, he needed to go down first! Ha ha! This probably
explains the look on Ky's face!!!

Michael is such a good big bro! He is constantly alerting me if Kylie needs milk, water, food, diaper, a tissue, anything! He was taking care of her all day!

All Mike really wanted ALL day was a
churro! He was so excited when he finally got one!

We were going to skip "Small World" since it was a waste of time for Michael, and Ky and I could go on it anytime we wanted...BUT the minute we turned the corner on our way to
Toon Town and Kylie caught a glimpse of Small World, she went nuts! She started clapping and bouncing up and down smiling and laughing. Now how do you say no to that??
Obviously we jumped right on the ride!

Here is Mike entertaining Kylie while in line!

It is some type of law in our family that you HAVE to take a picture in the fake jail looking like you are crying. Here Mike carries the torch!

Little Kylie has become quite the monkey! She was climbing up everything at the park! She got up here all by herself!

Here is Mike on the
Toon Town roller coaster...he waited in line all by himself! He is the little hand sticking up in the middle! :)

And now on the Matterhorn all by himself! I won't even ride that with someone! To make matters worse, when we got to the front of the line, they put poor little
Mikey in the front seat!!! He looked a little nervous taking off, but was SO happy coming back in!

Acting like a dork on the merry go round!

I love these shots from the teacups. The lighting is a little off, but I love how the lights are all blurred in the background.

Is this the coolest or what?

On our way out of the park (we closed it down!) Michael really wanted me to get a
picture of him in mid-air jumping in front of the enormous acorn! It took a few shots, but we finally got some good ones!

OBVIOUSLY this was the end to the day!
1 comment:
I still need to go on NEMO!!!
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