Today we took our annual trip to the Bates Nut Farm pumpkin patch in San Diego. Kylie and I went with Nana, Uncle Nick, Brooke, Uncle Danny, Auntie
Sah Sah, Cousin Tyler, Auntie Em, John, Ethan, and Lily! It was as hot as can be there which was not
conducive to our new fall outfits, ha ha! Poor Ky was probably dying in her pumpkin beanie! We got our traditional HUGE pumpkin, this year it weighted in at 84 pounds! We had a great time and got some GREAT pics!
Even Lily dressed up for the occasion!

Kylie and Uncle Nick

The pumpkins were bigger than Kylie!

Ignore the darkness...I need to fix this one in
photoshop, but I love this shot.

I LOVE these next five shots...I had to post all of them! Total framers!!

Kylie could have sat here all day poking this pumpkin!

The Golden kids...
Sarah (N.E.R.D.S!)

Could have been a cute shot, but she was NOT into sitting on a pumpkin! :)

Tyler tried so hard to push the wheelbarrow but he couldn't figure out that you need to LIFT and PUSH! Instead he was pushing it flat on the ground, but he was REALLY pushing! :)

I think I can, I think I can!
Hmmm, maybe this will work?

Can you help me Uncle??

Of course Kylie had her Kitty!

Again, why oh why didn't you smile in this awesome picture???

Kylie and Mommy

All the "kids"...Brooke, Nick, Kylie, Rachel, Tyler, Ethan, Sarah, Emily, Dan, John

Sarah and Tyler (and baby sister coming soon!!)


I love when Tyler walks like this! Like,
Hmmm, what shall I do next...

NOT into the wheelbarrow ride!

Ladybug Lily!

Tyler's shirt said "Big Trouble comes in small packages"...when someone asked Tyler if he was big trouble he said, "No, small packages are trouble"!!

This was so funny, Kylie grabbed the leash for Lily from someone and started walking with her!

Cutie pie!

Why are we so obsessed with putting our heads through weird wooden holes? this one doesn't even make sense! Not like it stopped us!

Farmer Ky
Tyler could not wait the entire time to see the "Aminals!". He kept picking up animal food from the ground (little pieces of dried corn that other kids paid for and accidentally dropped) and was working very hard to put each piece inside the cages and trying to feed the goats with them. Only problem was that the goats have been eating that darn dried up corn all day everyday so they had no interest! I had the idea of trying to feed the goat a leaf, assuming it wouldn't work, but at least Tyler would give up on the corn gathering, but we were all surprised when the goats ate up those leaves like there was no tomorrow! Check out the pics!
1 comment:
Thanks for adding Lily! By the way Jon spells his name without the H! I think my eyes are closed in every picture, but Kylie looks adorable!
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