Sunday, June 3, 2007

Kylie's new pet dog!

The last time we went to Venice Beach Kylie fell in love with one of those battery operated dogs that barks and walks. Of course I had no cash so we could only window-shop! Today we went back to Venice for our weekly trip and I promised Kylie I would buy her the little barking dog! Sure enough she still loved that dog! The minute she saw the dog she started cracking up and smiling! I was so excited since the guy we bought it from was deaf so I got to use some sign language that my brother taught me with him! I did chicken out though and only said "Thank You" totally abandoning my initial plan to show all my tricks "My name is Rachel", "Brush Teeth", "Tiger", and "Pants". Good idea, right?! Here is Kylie checking out her very first pet, "Barky".

I was so excited to get home to see how Kylie would react to Barky when she could crawl around and chase him. Well, no such luck, that cheap dog wiggles its legs, but doesn't even walk! Oh well, Kylie couldn't have cared less, she just loved to listen to it bark! Next thing you know, Kylie had Barky's snout in her mouth and her entire head was shaking with each motored bark and bite! It was so hilarious! Here are Ky and Barky getting to know one another!

How long until she asks for a real dog? Jim and I better start thinking of reasons to say "No" now!

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