Today my friend Megan held a "Squeeker Reunion" at her house in Orange County! The Squeekers (named after the high-pitch "squeeking" sound that results when we all get together and start chatting) are the group of girls I hung out with from Junior High on through High School. We try to get together every now and then and stay in touch. Megan was nice enough to offer up her awesome house for us to meet up at! It was so much fun to get together and catch up on every one's life! We were so excited to visit with Mandi and KK again - I love that Kylie and Kennedi (Squeekers in training) are so close in age, although are at WAY different stages in their little lives!! We had a great time squeeking it up, eating, drinking, and of course snapping a thousand pics! Unfortunately Susan and Charlene couldn't be there, but there is always the reunion! :) Thanks, Meg, for having us over!The Squeek Mob!

Mandi and KK - she just LOVES purses!!
Meg and Glynnis
Mel, Caitlin, Shanny, and Kristen
Here is Kylie trying to be cool like KK and climb the stairs!
I was feeding Kylie some Puffers and KK kept coming over for some. I finally held out the container for her and she jammed her hand in, grabbed an entire handful, and proceeded to shove them all in her mouth at once! She did this over and over! It was so hilarious!

I was so excited when I saw Kylie going for the baby doll, then I realized, she just wanted something to put in her mouth! Damn!
I think Kylie idolizes Kennedi! She followed her around the entire day!
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