We drove down this morning and met Nana, Auntie Lewis, Grammer and Gramper at La Valencia hotel in La Jolla for lunch which was amazing! You could see the ocean from our table! Kylie ate all "human food" especially the EGG quiche that Nana gave her...halfway through her eating it I realized it was egg (which she can't have yet) and semi-flipped out! Oops!
After our meal we headed back to Nana's house where Kylie took a nap in her porta-crib (if you can call it that, it is actually bassinet size) and actually fell asleep on her own in it, and stayed asleep for quite a while! Then it was playtime, dinner, and more playtime with cousin Tyler! Here are some pics from the day!
Little, or should I say Big, Kylie in her travel crib!

Playing cars with Tyler and Grammer!
Auntie Em helping Tyler and Kylie SEARCH for the Wiggles DVD!

Tyler was SOOO adorable! He dances and sings along with the songs! Here he is doing "Hot Potato"! (Notice how he doesn't let go of the cars!)
Here is Tyler dancing to the Wiggles! (Click to play video)
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